AT&T Case Study

Preventing corrosion and taking HVAC unit life spans from a few years to a lifetime

AT&T—a world leader in communications media and entertainment and a Fortune 10 company—was experiencing trouble at its Galveston Island branch. One of the most corrosive areas in the country, Galveston Island posed a unique challenge: The continuous salt spray intrusions in the area were wreaking havoc on the coils in the HVAC units installed on the building. Uncoated, these coils would barely survive a few years before giving out completely.

The Case Study

AT&T’s Challenge

AT&T needed robust coils, quickly, to ride out the saline corrosion, and sustain their HVAC equipment for longer periods of time.

The Solution

Following a detailed inspection of the area, the coils were coated with CoilSafe® coating compositions — a proprietary thin-film, inorganic anti-corrosion coating. Initial surveys revealed that new rooftop units were to be installed on the roof of the corporate building—an area with constant exposure to salt sprays, situated near the Gulf of Mexico, so extra precaution was taken while applying the corrosion-mitigating solution.

The Result

With CoilSafe® coating compositions, AT&T successfully interrupted the 3-4 year HVAC replacement cycle, and deferred the capital replacement cost. CoilSafe® coating compositions also helped reduce their energy consumption by 15%, saving resources and precious energy while adding to their bottom line.

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Case Studies are adapted from our product supplier, CoatZone, to demonstrate the power of the products San Diego Coastal Coating works with.