Rice University Case Study

Creating efficiency in multiple buildings to reduce university costs

Rice University is an exceptionally large multi building campus and has used CoilSafe® and ThermalBlock™ for many different HVAC projects on the campus.

The Case Study

Rice University’s Challenge

Rice has multiple buildings which are scattered around the campus with rooftop package units that are not on the central HVAC plant. One of these buildings houses their engineers and project managers. This building has (5) 5-ton rooftop package units and during the summer they were experiencing high temperature failures 2 to 3 times per week.

The Solution

A Dual Approach was recommend – First to clean and coat the condenser coils with CoilSafe® coating compositions and second to coat the exterior cabinets with ThermalBlock™ coating compositions.

The Result

The high temperature failure problem was solved, and this building has experienced no failures in 6 years since the treatment. The HVAC supervisor called one month after the treatment and reported that he had to raise thermostats in the building and that had not happened in his 18-year career at the campus on that building. Even though energy savings was not the main problem they needed to solve they received the benefit of energy savings along with reduced failure rates and equipment life cycle extension.

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Case Studies are adapted from our product supplier, CoatZone, to demonstrate the power of the products San Diego Coastal Coating works with.